Thursday, April 16, 2009

Back on track - started bleomycin treatment again.

After a CT scan to check out Eli's head, he was given the go-ahead to start treatment again.

We started the first of 9 doses yesterday and will go every MWF for the next three weeks.

The plan is to be slightly more aggressive with the drainage of the tumor this round in hopes that the tumor tissue has been weakened by the first round of chemo. Our hope this round is that by taking off a teaspoon of fluid each day we can shrink the tumor somewhat. We don't want to go too fast because the space created when removing the fluid has to be filled-in and we don't want to collapse it too fast or it could cause a hemorrage. Our eventual hope (probably next round) is that the cyst of the tumor will collapse completely and be unable to re-form.


  1. Oh, I hope it works. What a relief that would be to have the cyst of the tumor collapse completely by the next round.

  2. thinking of you all, praying for you all. go, go, go eli Go!

  3. My little boy David was diagnosed with exactly the same illness in 2007. He had the very same operation as your little boy, but had the shunt put in at the same time. He takes hydrocortisine and eltroxin every day, and he has, at 9 years of age, started growth replacement injections. Giving the nightly injections at the beginning nearly killed me, emotionally, but I persevered, and since starting the treatment 9 months ago, David has grown 8.2 centimeters. The doctors are really pleased with his progress. I personally think that people dont realise the life sentence this tumour carries. There is no gaurantees, just ongoing follow up and uncertainty. However, I feel that these children are very very special. From a young age David was very intuitive and aware of things that you would not expect of a child. I read somewhere, that the hypothalamus, was once regarded as the soul. This is why I feel that these children have a very special understanding of life. I hope your little boy makes a full recovery, and I will pray for him and follow your story. Good luck from Ireland!
