Thursday, May 7, 2009

Like the weather in Colorado - Eli's health is always changing!

Well, that was a short vacation!!!

Eli had a wonderful day yesterday. He was feeling great. He walked all the way to the park with his Meme, played on the playground and was feeling happy. Then in the evening we went for dinner, and he played in a little fountain by the restaurant for an hour, just splashing around, making foot-prints and chatting with the other kids. We were so happy to see him finally feeling better. "We have our little boy back" we thought to ourselves. Well, it was not to last.

This morning Eli awoke from a poor nights sleep and promptly vomited after eating breakfast. We knew right away what was going on.

One of the major risk factors of the tumor collapsing was having the VP shunt (that drains fluid off his brain and into his abdomen) fail...and it did. When the tumor collapsed it displaced the position of the shunt and now it is not working. So we are back in the hospital for another shunt revision. Hopefully this one will last a while.

So, not much else to say but, #$@%^&%.

Thank you all for your emails and thoughts...they really keep us going!!!
Wishing all you mom's a Happy Mother's Day.
Meagan and Jacob


  1. oh dear meagan and family, I am so sorry to hear this and look forward to Eli's health stabilizing and strengthening.

  2. He was an absolute wonder at the hospital today. He was running in the halls saying "I'm runnin' like a crazy boy!". Once again he was charming all of us with his constant chatter. Everyone stops and listens to him and can't believe he can talk so well. We played, rode elevators, went to the cafeteria, and just had a great time. The hospital has become very familiar to him. He likes to show me the sights.
    I feel very hopeful today. What a roller coaster ride this has been.
